As you know, I have what might best be described as a "wide body". A nice looking one, especially for a feline my age, if I do say so myself, but wide, never-the-less. The time had come when I was sort of overflowing my very special and very private resting spot. No one, not even Blackie, challenges me for MY bed.

A week ago, my Human came home from an obviously very successful hunting trip as she was caring several bags and packages. Then she came through the door carrying this big blue thing, walked up to me and said "Merry Christmas, Sky, a bit early"

She gave me a gorgeous new bed - a tasteful powder blue with gold cord trim, lined with fleece and JUST THE RIGHT SIZE for me. I was speechless. And comfortable.

But alas, I have come to discover that MY bed is no longer MY private kingdom.

Not only does Maggie Fu sleep in it, she plays in it and holds court for her friends while in it.

So my one wish, for me, is for Maggie Fu to develop appropriate boundaries and some respect for MY personal space.
I simply want MY bed back.
My wish for everyone else is that they could experience the joy in this season. That those who are hungry could be filled; those who are homeless could find forever homes, those who are ill could be healed. And their humans, likewise.
Great photos Sky! I hope you get your bed back too. Your wishes for everyone else are wonderful. We wish for the same things.
what a lovely bed! we don't blame you fur wantin' the little one outta there, an we hope you get yur wish. maybe Maggie Fu could get her own bed?
Hey Sky
Maybe yu cood get yur Momma to get a new bed fur Maggie Fu fur chrissmouse?? Yu look furry happy in yur new boo-tee-full bed. I hopes yu can reclaim it.
Yur wishes were furry sweet... and we wish them to come twue too.
We totally agree on the privacy space issue. If the bed is yurs then it simply must remain yurs and no one else should enter.
That looks like a furry comfy and warm bed Sky. Hope you get to evict the squaters.
You got pressies early?! That's a great new bed - Maybe Maggie Fu will tke your little bed...or not!
Yeah, you should give Maggie Fu your old bed and kick her out of your new one. It is a very beautiful bed and I can't blame her for wanting to use it, but that is YOUR bed.
Wow, what a gorgeous and comfy bed! I think you should put your foot down and claim it as your's solely.
That is a most lovely bed! I know the feeling though, as Precious takes over everything, now she has taken over MY bed in the tree. But do you know what, she is getting wide! Yes, wide! Momma says she is round. She says to say hi to Maggie Fu, her bestest furriend!
Oh Sky that is a lovely bed! You look furry beautiful in all your photos.
That bed looks fit for royalty with its plush inside & gold piping for trim! Maggie Fu thinks by being cute she can get away with anything. Kittens are such egomaniacs! You do look a little upset at her sharing it.
That bed looks fit for royalty with its plush inside & gold piping for trim! Maggie Fu thinks by being cute she can get away with anything. Kittens are such egomaniacs! You do look a little upset at her sharing it.
Congratulations by your new bed. I hope that you can use it someday...Muhahahahahaha!
Come on, Sky! Are you a chicken? If you are so "wide," kick that little imp from your bed!
I mean...who is the boss in your roost?
:) Happy Holidays!
Isn't it funny how the little ones always take up the most room? We hope you get your Christmas wishes... and everyone else too!
These pictures are hilarious. We hope you get your bed back Sky.
That is one cool bed Sky. Maybe you should haf a talk with Maggie Fu but be gentle 'cause she is little ~Merlin, Shadow, Ko KO
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