Well, thanks to a fortuitous Saturday evening phone call from the Human's brother, my luck changed. He was visiting the human grandparents and mentioned that Hee Haw was on the TV in their room. For the blissfully ignorant, Hee Haw was country music's answer to the 1960's Rowan and Martin's Laugh-In. It aired from 1969-1991 but hasn't been seen on the public airwaves in over 10 years. As it turned out, there was a Hee Haw marathon on CMT TV this weekend.

To the chagrin of the entire household (except me), the Human stopped what she was planning to do, sat down and watched Hee Haw for three entire hours.
And I had three entire hours of good solid "my head to her belly" lap time.
It was almost worth having to admit to the rest of the world that I have a human who would actually spend three hours on a Saturday night watching Hee Haw.
Does anyone else have my kind of problems?
usually the Lady tries to lay down an read before she goes to sleep an i haf ta lay on her chest an put the bitey on her book so she'll cuddle me instead. she neffur watches TV anymore but i did hear her say that if they effur put old "Scarecrow and Mrs. King" reruns on, she'd drop effurrything for that. THEN i'd get that lap!
oh yeah, we watched hee haw too on saturday night. it was good lap time.
If I want lap time, I just howl at the nearest human and they give it to me. If the Mom is on the computer, I just howl and she leans back in her chair to give me optimum lap space. I have my humans well trained.
First of all, you are a lovely calico!
My furless ones wish they had known about the Hee Haw thing! They are as old as dirt and used to watch it when they were young and foolish.
Daddy is pretty good about making me a lap. He reads a lot, esp. in the wintertime.
Patches Lady
Alberta, you are invited to join Coats of Many Colors, our social group for bi, tri & solid color cats. If you join, you get a membership button for your sidebar.
I am the lap kitty in our family and ALWAYS have first dibs on any lap that becomes available, usually Moms. I stay for as long as she's seated. If there's no lap, I'll take a shoulder holding, but really prefer a lap.
George (Founder)
Coats of Many Colors
I'm just not into the laps unless it's on my dime. Isis is the true lap kitty as she'll jump up whenever she feels like it. I'm glad, though, that you got to spend some quality time with your human pet! :)
I'm with Zeus on this one. If I do want lap time the humans are so happy and excited about it that they drop everything to give it to me, especially Mom.
But you need more lap time, Alberta. Maybe you should write the TV humans and tell them to put Hee Haw on more often.
Mine Mom remember the Scarecrow show, too! Dad's the Hee Haw fan. But when I wanna snuggle, I want it NOW an I don't care what Mom does as long as I get my ME time.
Oh, Bonnie nefur heard of Watusi Bulls, but that farm has long horn an one Watusi bull. I fink the Wha-whosi horns look diffrint. Cats are still MUCH better lookin.
My Momma likes to watch those dec-o-ratin shows on the 4 letter network. She can watch those all day and and all night. BUT that is OK wif me cuz I get to sit and purrerate on her lap the whole time.
Your house sounds jus like ours. The humans spend hours on the 'puter or reading in bed. They don't watch tv much but I know my Mom would have watched three hours of hee haw too. I fink that's why about the only ofur show she watches is Blue Collar tv.
Oh, it's too bad we didn't know about Hee Haw around here! My owner lady doesn't know about it but the owner man loves to quote obscure Hee Haw tidbits and then either laughs or gets disgusted when the lady doesn't get it...
Anyway, I like the winter 'cause THAT is when I like to lap-sit by the tv. Right now my owner wears shorts so I don't think he'd 'preciate me jumping on his lap...
If they won't give you lap time on demand, make your opinion known! Hide all their left socks! That will teach them a lesson.
Oh great....now mom's singing "Where oh where are you tonight? Why did you leave me hear all alone? I searched the world over and I thought I found true love, you met another and 'pthhp' you were gone!"
She's driving us insane..............
Good job, Alberta. You are a true opportunist. Mom remembers HeeHaw from childhood. She said she'd like to see an old Sonny and Cher, though. I don't care what she watches, though - if she sits, I sits on her!!
~ Nala
We are glad you gotted some lap time! Since we don't have a cool air thing, we've been too hot to lap-sit for a while now, but can't wait to get back to cooler weather and snugglin'. Mom says she remembers Hee Haw from when she was little too.
Gosh, Alberta, you are so pretty! And you're lucky, too. I don't think I've ever gotten three hours of lap time!
SHUT UP! Hee-Haw? Awesome!
First off, Hee Haw ran for 22 years? It was still on the air in 1991?
Secondly, your human watched it for 3 hours straight?
[Tuning up her lovely singing voice]
Where, where, are you tonight?
Why did you leave me here all alone?
I searched the world over,
And thought I found true love.
You met another and
Phht! you were gone!
The secret is to dominate to your human without compassion. Look at me here muhahahá!!: http://el-blog-de-una-gatorrista.blogspot.com/2006/04/posturitas-para-conquistar.html#links
Prrr fron Spain =^.-^=
OH NO! Now you gots our Mom singin' the song too! She forgot all about it until she read it here again.
"Where oh where are you tonight? Why did you leave me hear all alone? I searched the world over and I thought I found true love, you met another and 'pthhp' you were gone!"
Hmmm maybe we could make up new werds? Mmmmmm, no, we tinks those are the only way that song can be sung...
Thanks for your congratulation. I hope that you follow my advice... Soon the cats we will dominate the world, muhahahahahá!!! =^.-^=
thaks you for coming to my blog..do you wanna play with me! =^^=
I never heard of Hee Haw, it must be a Mericky thing. But lap time is always good. How are Quito and Patch getting on back at home?
Hey efurryone! We just tagged you. Check out our blog for the details and rules. It's okay if you don't want to play, but this one is kinda fun!
Yes we do and we feel your pain ~Merlin, Shadow, Ko KO
Oh no - Mom was just reminded of the "where oh where" song AGAIN!
Luna is lost!
YES, where have u been? We miss you! Hope all is well!
Where oh where are you?
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