Sorry, it's part of our deal. We need the Human's opposable thumbs to post the pictures so we allow her to write the caption while we (members of the Feline Oligarchy) write the blog itself. As you may gather from previous posts, I am no one's "pet". I don't even refer to my "companion humans" as my pets. Why rub their noses in their servile status?
On the other hand, I'm sure my OtherHuman would be pleased to be called "teacher". Here I am helping prepare for classes this week. You may not be aware that one can not simply put books into an empty box without first ensuring that the bottom is structurally solid and that there are no parasites lurking within the cardboard. There are endless details to consider which require careful qualitative research, detailed documentation and, of course, publishing the outcome in my peer reviewed journals.
I prefer to follow-up my research sessions with tuna-entree' and a nap. All good scholars need to relax now and then.
So my humans aren't the only ones who stack books in boxes. Mine took the living room bookshelf down when Princess started crawling. They were afraid she would pull it down on herself, even with it attached to the wall. Now the book boxes are so heavy, no one can move them without throwing their back out for a week. Silly humans.
You are make a very good teacher! And I am wondering if you have a teacher's pet?
Boxes are my infernal downfall. I love boxes.
Oooo...scratching...I must...control...myself....
oh oh oh, i LOVE to chew on boxes. Mommy!!! I need a box!!! - Sammy
We couldn't agree more, enjoy your tune entree ~Merlin, Shadow, Ko Ko
Hmmm! I love boxes too and nap, but the atun...nooo! =^^=
You are absolutely right about ckecking stability of these boxes. think if the human stuffed it full of books & the bottom broke out & the books fell and hurted her foot. She'd yell at you for not warning her, right? You're just covering your bases.
thanks for visiting my blog, oligarchy! My momma said she'll try to get pics put up this weekend- she has to figure out how to do it. oooo! boxes! make good window-perches, too! and good hidey places to pounce from!
If your mum will e-mail me at derbycat@wi.rr.com. My mum can fill her in on how to get the Christmas cacti to bloom. She says she is good at it.
Charlie, you and Zeus are furry clever inter-lick-tual cats. He knows Mathurrmaticks and you know... er... efen harder stuff!
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