When I was younger, I thought I might like to be a dog. So I took lessons:

And I was actually getting rather good at it:

But I've come to embrace my "inner cat" and I'm ok now.

Hello to all my other fellow felines out there.
p.s. The Human converted our old blog layout this morning and now it's a bit messed up. Sorry
Hi Daisy! Nice to meetcha! I think cats named Daisy must be extra-good.
Hi there Daisy! So nice to meet you! Woofies are okay...but we like being cats better!!
Hi there, the other Daisy. You sure are cute. You sure don't look like a dog to us. We love woofies, but we cats need to stick together. Good to meet you.
Hey Daisy. We think that if you worked on your barking skills you could have became a dog. But we are happy to see that you found your inner cat. Thanks for sharing the cute photos. Have a wonderful day.
World of Animals
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