Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Tummy Tuesday & The Advantage of Living with Readers

We weren't going to do "Tummy Tuesday" today because we've been freezing our tushies off since last night which means it's been too cold to even think about showing any tummies. (To answer the unasked question, yes, it DOES TOO get cold in Florida. And when your furnace shuts off on the coldest night of the year, so does anyone living in the house! We even heard the palmetto bugs shivering last night) Problem was no one realized that the furnace wasn't coming on until after 10 p.m. So they decided we would all tough it out for one night.

We have a fireplace, but our Humans didn't get any wood this year. They do have some of those fake logs but they figured that more heat would go up the chimney in the middle of the night then the fake log would provide heat so they didn't light one of those until 7 this morning. But once the Human lit that log though, Maggie Fu hopped on the ledge in front of the fire and rolled on her tummy as if to say "Hey, it's Tummy Tuesday - if you don't hurry and take my picture we're going to miss it" ...
Once the OtherHuman pushed a chair over to work in front of the fire, Alberta jumped on it. Otherwise she huddled in her blanket
or competed with Sky for the living room reading lamp ...
We discovered the advantage of "living with readers" is that they have GOOD reading lamps which provide heatBut we think Blackie still has some of his "northern Minnesota genes" as he didn't seem to care. He just went to his morning window and went to sleep with no fire and no blanket and no lamp and not even a sunbeam to keep him warm.The Service People finally came around noon and put a new part in our furnace. They promised we'd be warm again sometime this evening. But we like having a fire and the reading lamps on! We just want to be warm.
Alberta, Sky, Blackie, Charlie and Maggie Fu


Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Yes, it can get cold in Florida. I went there on vacation one Thanksgiving and when we left Wisconsin it was 42 and when we landed in Florida it was 29. I had to buy a coat because I was silly and left mine behind. On the other hand if it wasn't below zero there last night you were warmer than us.

Anonymous said...

reading lamps are great! even better is our turtles' heat lamp. if our heater went out, we'd go lay by the turtles.

Kimo and Sabi said...

Sorry you guys had to suffer like that! You shoulda teleported here to our house where it was 70 degrees yesterday! ;)

sammawow said...

We like reading lamps here too - it's only 11 degrees outside right now. We really hope that our furnace stays on tonight! Hope you are warmer there now!

China Cat & Willow


We knoos how cold it gets in Florida cuz we is juss rite up da road froms yu...it's been cold and I has been shivering, but at least the warm air machine werked fur us cuz Momma turned it up and makes me stop shivering. Efen wif all my furrs I wuz still colds.


Anita said...

A chimney!! It´s wonderfulllprrrrrrrr!

Lux said...

We had that same thing happen recently, and boy was it cold! Hope your furnace is fixed now!

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry that your furnace decided not to work on the coldest night of the year. Bad furnace! Good thing you got it fixed. I'm glad you kitties could find warm places. Maggie Fu looks great basking before the fireplace.

Toffee K. Ripple Fuzzypants & Feline American Angels said...

Your fireplace looks exactly like mine! I really love to be warm by the fire, but it doesn't get cold furry often here in sunny San Diego (although it DID two weeks ago).

I hope that you're warm now ...

Bonnie Underfoot said...

Oh, we have no fire! I must do something about that. And the lights... they're energy saving compact flower-scents; no heat! I need new beans.

Forty Paws said...

Oh NO! We are shivering just thinking about going a night without heat!!!
It snowed here overnight in Dallas and we are all looking out the windows at a world very different from our normal one.
Luf, Us

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Those are all great pictures and I am very glad you are all warm now. Are you all okay after the icky storms?

Unknown said...

Thanks for asking -- the bad storms were south of us so we're ok. It was scary hearing about them though and we're really sad to hear about the ones caught in it.

Shaggy and Scout said...

Blackie has his nose covered with his tail! that keeps a kitty warm. All of you are so cute in these pictures! Little maggie Fu in front of the fire is adorable. Our momma is a reader too. Some days that seems like all she does besides cruise the cat blogs. Our dad is going to Ft. lauderdale in a couple weeks on a golf boondoggle. We hope the weather doesn't disappoint him!

Anonymous said...

I know what you mean it's freezing here too. I've spent most of my time under my fleece blanket.

Anonymous said...

I hope you escaped the tornados and such down there and were just a little cold. Stay warm!

Anonymous said...

hey, I liked th ered blanket very much n I hope with the fire on you guys have not freezed much...

keep blogging

Anonymous said...

Ah heck-try 10 degrees...and being stuck in the basement. Good thing I'm like solar heating panels and soak up the heat all day before I get put to bed.

The Fluffy Tribe said...

reading lamps are the bestest ~Merlin, SHadow, Ko KO

Anonymous said...

Wow, thems is some nice bellies!!
I am LOis n I am a new blogger!!! I am havin lotsa fun meetin so menny nice cats!!!
I do hafta tell you, dat as an Uptate NooYerk cat, I cant feel toooooo bad about you havin a bit of chill!!! Last week we had days where it dint git over 8 n we had lotsa wind. We got a fair amount of s__w, but not neat the amount thats on TV. Dat was about 50 miles from us!

But we are furry glad you found ways to keep warm, even tho it sounds like yer evil purrents were tryin to freeze you half to death!!!

Come visit n I'll make you a nice warm cuppa nip tea!!

Anonymous said...

Ah, Tummy Tuesday! What a great idea.

Shilgiah the Cat said...

Sorry I haven't visited in awhile. Wow! I've never been to Florida but that fireplace looks mighty nice Maggie Fu. Mom says you are all such cute kitties she love to kiss all of you on your heads. It's really annoying when she does that to us. What we have to put up with!!

Unknown said...

Those are all great pictures and I am very glad you are all warm now!!

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Frodo said...

man, you all are sooo cool. i am glad i found some friends like you here in cyber space. come see me!
meow- frodo

Anonymous said...

That is a fine kitty tummy!