My Human says I've been sooooooooo helpful the last hour and a half while she's been working on her computer that maybe it's time for me to write my first post. I had to point out a lot of things on the computer screen that she would have missed and I really helped her control her mouse cord which kept moving around on her. (And I really hope she gets that wireless mouse she just put on her Christmas wish list)
This is the one month anniversary of my Gotcha Day! Charlie didn't like me much when I first came ...
But we hang out a lot together now ...
and she's my best play buddy ...
Everybody is worried about Alberta who just doesn't look like she's feeling well. But even she lets me sleep "close" to her as long as we don't touch and I'm quiet.
I even like the Woofie. She saved my tail. Literally. One night the humans had AuntJudy over for dinner and weren't paying attention to me. They got really irritated cause the Woofie started barking while they were trying to eat until they realized that she was standing next to where I had somehow gotten an elastic string wrapped around my tail and was in a real predicament. They couldn't hear my squeaks but they could hear her bark. She even rescues me when Blackie and Charlie play too rough. I sqeak and she comes running to separate us.
So things are pretty ok for me here in the Oligarchy. Sometimes I even think the Humans like me -- Maggie Fu
Hi Maggie Fu! Nice to finally meet you! You are a cutie! Glad that you and Charlie are buddies. We hopes that Alberta is feeling ok.
Oh Maggie that's wonderful that you have such an nice wolfie!
Glad to hear you are getting settled in there Miss Maggie Fu. It is nice the woofie is your protector!
Oh Maggie, I don't think you have to worry too much about being loved.
Hello Maggie Fu. I'm glad that you are fitting in so well with the rest of the Oligarchy. You are a cutie.
a woofie's takin' care of you? aww - that must be sum nice woofie. we neffur met a nice woofie in purrson, but we herd 'bout 'em frum kitties who keep 'em as pets like you. yur furry cute!!!
Oh, Maggie you are such a doll. Momma says you look like what she thinks Patches looked like when se was little.
~Your bestest furriend
Precious Flower
I am glad that you are happy in the oligarchy!
Happy one-month Gotchaversary!
nice to meet you. you look so cute & are such a good helper that Mummy started asking Daddy for another kitten
Oh Maggie, yoo fit in with the whole family. Concatulashuns on yer furst month in the howse. May thare be many many more!
Maggie, you are so cute. :) Nice to meet you. Your entire family sounds nice! What a nice Woofie! I hope Alberta is okay.
He,he, they are really adorable. I saw your comment on my blog for "Cats on Tuesday" I am sorry I couldn't answer earlier. My old Lisa (16) had peed on my laptop tuesday night and it was broken. So I had to buy a new one and of course were not able to do anything yesterday. No I am reinstalling my favourites etc.
It was also my fault, I were to lazy to go to the vet to get her pills, because she has hormonal problems twice a year. Laziness is expensive and this was the most expensive pee I ever experienced. (human or animal ) Don't you want to join the Cats on Tuesday ?
I'm sure they LOVE you. You are just so cute.
Hi Maggie Fu! It's me...Misty E and I'm almost 8 months old now.
Don't feel bad about the other cats there. My brothers & sister didn't really like me when I was adopted, but now we're all OK. Tell Alberta I hope she feels better soon.
Your friend
Misty E
P.S. George says, you're all such a colorful group, why don't you join his social club, Coats of Many Colors.
Aw, you're such a cutie I'm afraid my mom is going to get ideas. And you and Alberta look like bookends in that picture!
You guys are all so nice-looking - and I'll bet you're nice, too!
You are furry cute Maggie Fu ~Merlin, Shadow, Ko KO
I think you found your place in that furry family.
My mom had two calicos in her life-Smudgie and Jade(a dilute) and loved them lots!
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