Friday, October 06, 2006

Photography 101

Hint to the Human: if you really want to capture my sophistication and grace by photographing me on the antique piano next to the "musical cat" print you bought at the art festival, try not to get the litter box in the background.

This is a little better, but maybe you should go back to reading the camera manual?

Or studying more art prints for composition?

Or getting rid of some of the clutter?

BTW: I AM available for modeling jobs.


Fat Eric said...

You look furry handsome in those pictures Charlie. Who's going to worry about looking at the background with such a handsome cat to look at?

Anonymous said...

Training the camera weilding human is such a chore! You would think they would pay more attention:)

Twizzler, Jack, Fwankwin, and Gracie said...

You should totally check out that modeling thing. A kitty with your looks could make lotza xtra kibble money! (ps - we did get a little bit of chicken for our construction soopervision!)

Anonymous said...

you are quite a hansum model! we like the piano an the print, but we agree - who's gonna look at 'em if yur in the pic-shure?

Rascal said...

Charlie, all eyes are on you anyway, so who cares what's in the rest of the picture.

caspersmom said...

Charlie you should be a model, you sure are pretty. I like the last pic the best it shows you the most but I think you look good in all the pics. The second one you can see the musical picture the best and I also see eyes behind you when I enlarge the picture. Nice looking piano, do you play?


Susie said...

Our beans like photography too - especially our Daddykitty.

We learned about you from Crews Views - come over and visit us sometime. We're going to add you to ur blog.

Anita said...

Your human almost obtains an identical photo!

Shaggy and Scout said...

Charlie, dude, you are looking so handsome!!!

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

That last picture is very wonderful!!!

The Fluffy Tribe said...

You are furry sophiticated looking Charlie ~Merlin, Shadow, Ko KO

Dianne said...

You do look awesome on that old piece of furniture Charlie. And you are so patient too!

Anonymous said...

What a very handsome model you are.